Code of Conduct

Athletic Department General Statement:

The athletic department at Williams College expects the actions of its student-athletes to reflect the positive values and traditions of excellence fostered by the college.  If your behavior or actions as a Williams College student-athlete do not reflect the values and traditions of the college and the Athletic Department, your athletic participation may be compromised.

The department has instituted a committee to review serious breaches of conduct.  The committee will be comprised as noted below.  Should an athlete’s or team’s conduct be deemed sufficiently grievous, this committee will be convened to review the violation and propose sanctions.

Four Member Standing Committee:

2 members of the athletic department senior staff (1 additional as a stand in if needed)

Faculty Athletic Representative

Athletic Director

Examples of Violations:

(these are examples, not an exhaustive list)

  • Hazing
  • Vandalism/Property damage
  • Not upholding community code of conduct
  • Unregistered parties
  • Sexual Misconduct, Assault, Rape
  • Inappropriate behavior at athletic contests (or while traveling with a team)
  • Underage drinking or providing alcohol to minors
  • Use/involvement with illegal drugs
  • Use/involvement with firearms or hazardous chemicals


Range of Repercussions:

Warning, probation, suspension from practice, suspension from games, loss of captaincy, removal from a team, canceling of games or the season

Williams College Hazing Statement

Hazing is prohibited by the College and is subject to College rules and disciplinary proceedings. Hazing is also a crime under Massachusetts state law.  There is zero tolerance of any form of hazing.  Any athlete and/or team involved in hazing may be suspended indefinitely from participation in athletics at Williams College.  Each student athlete is required to sign the Hazing Statement prior to the start of the playing season.

 For more details on hazing and the laws pertaining to hazing see the Williams College Student Handbook

NESCAC Presidents’ Statement on Abusive Drinking and Hazing

In addition to being partners in athletic competition, the 11 colleges and universities comprising the New England Small College Athletic Conference (NESCAC) are united in efforts to provide safe environments in which students may mature intellectually and socially.

Recognizing that social life plays a role in the college experience, each campus has increased its efforts to encourage students to make responsible choices. Each school takes a strong stand against substance abuse, including alcohol. While the vast majority of students at NESCAC institutions who choose to drink alcohol do so responsibly, each school has disciplinary and educational programs in place for students who misuse alcohol and other substances.  Additionally, all of the conference schools expressly prohibit hazing.

For more information on the NESCAC please visit

Williams College Athletic Department Drug and Alcohol Policy

Under no circumstances are there to be drugs or alcohol purchased or consumed by student-athletes at any time while traveling as teams away from campus.

For more details on the college wide drug and alcohol policy see the Williams College Student Handbook.

Prospective Student-Athlete (PSA) Hosting

As a member of a varsity team, you are an integral part of the recruiting process at Williams College.  It is likely that you will be asked to host a prospective student-athlete on his/her unofficial and/or official visit. When you agree to host, you understand that you are responsible for the PSA while he/she is on campus, and he/she should remain in your company.  While you are hosting, the expectation is that you accommodate the PSA in a welcoming way.

The Student Handbook outlines Standards of Conduct for all Williams’ students.  PSAs on official visits are made aware of these Standards of Conduct prior to their visit and are asked to abide by them and to expect their hosts to abide by them too.  Please note that PSAs are under legal age. It is not legal for them to drink.  Additionally, Williams College prohibits the abuse of alcohol and drugs and expects members of the community to abide by local, state, and federal laws. The college does not provide students protection from the consequences of violating local, state, or federal laws. This means that PSAs may not drink during their visit. As host, you too may not drink while you are hosting.  While the PSA is on campus, you will use your best judgment as host. Failure to abide by these policies is a violation of Williams College guidelines.

Be Loud, Be Proud, Be Positive

(sportsmanship statement)

Through promoting good sportsmanship by student-athletes, coaches and spectators, Williams College is committed to creating a positive and exciting atmosphere at all competitions. All student-athletes are obligated to represent themselves, their team and the college with the highest level of sportsmanship.

What does Williams College mean by fan sportsmanship?

  • Cheer for your team not against the opponents.
  • Don’t get personal in your comments about players, coaches, or officials.
  • No profanity, vulgarity, racist, homophobic, or sexist comments.
  • Give players, coaches and officials their space by keeping away from the playing area and team benches.
  • Alcohol or drunkenness is not tolerated at any athletic contests.